SoulHuntress Leatherworks

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The Slow-Made: why handmade leathergoods are worth the wait

“It is a cultural revolution against the notion that faster is always better. The Slow philosophy is not about doing everything at a snail's pace. It's about seeking to do everything at the right speed. Savouring the hours and minutes rather than just counting them. Doing everything as well as possible, instead of as fast as possible. It’s about quality over quantity in everything from work to food to parenting.”

— Carl Honoré

Hey friend,

I’ll start this little train of thought with a question: Have you ever held a handmade leather item made just for you and felt its unique energy? There's something special about them isn’t it, that goes beyond their looks…

what you feel is the magick and care they carry, embedded through the lengthy and intentionally slow process of their creation, with one goal: to be made well

the magick

the whole thing always starts with the raw materials and their careful, methodical transformation. Cutting, sanding, stitching, each step is done by hand, with attention to every detail. Taking the time to pause and check the progress and in the end to appreciate the result. It's not just about making a journal, a wallet or a bag - it's about intentionally creating a piece of art that will stay with you for a very long time.

the process is the same for every piece and even if we have created hundreds of similar items, yours will be one-of-a-kind, like you are. It carries the energy of the hands that made it and the life you put into it through daily use. That's the secret of 'slow-made' goods.

in our fast-paced world, there's something soulful about items that take time to create. They remind us to slow down, to appreciate the process, to connect with the natural rhythms of life. Each stitch is a moment of mindfulness, each cut a deliberate choice. Like meditation. Like breathing.

a choice that is worth it

when you choose a handmade leather piece, you're not just buying a product. You're supporting an artisan, preserving a centuries old tradition, and bringing a piece of living art into your life. You're choosing quality over quantity and thoughtfulness over haste.

when you choose to buy a 'slow-made' item, that is a radical act of self-love and appreciation for art. Take a moment to smile and imagine the care and skill going into the creation, just for you. And when it finally reaches you, I bet you'll feel the difference; you'll know that this isn't just an item - it's a journey, your story, filled with magick.

embrace the wait - cherish the process - be the rebel

till next time,


“…our basic needs never change. The need to be seen and appreciated! It is the need to belong. The need for nearness and care, and for a little love! This is given only through slowness in human relations. In order to master changes, we have to recover slowness, reflection and togetherness. There we will find real renewal.”

—Guttorm Fløistad