“to create requires both time and skill”


Hello and Welcome!

I am Effie, the designer and maker behind SoulHuntress.

I discovered the art of leather crafting the year my partner and I moved to Glastonbury from London, in 2018. I was in ‘transition’, for quite some time, from the big and crowded to small and very very spacious! A dream! A so much needed break from pretty much everything! I suddenly had time! I also needed some bookmarks and a new wallet.

And there you have it!

My first cheap tools and scraps arrived and I started making those bookmarks! I still use and love them even though they look like they've been made by a kid! But they are my reminders: How it feels to make something by hand. How important it is to add play into work and create while playing. The importance of taking my time. Time to learn, to experiment and fail. Time to try again and succeed. To get better and grow.


I kept making stuff I needed and soon, started making projects for others. There would always be something; a journal, a key fob, then another one. A lunch bag, a pouch for tobacco. Then a second one. And a tarot case and a second and a third… In no time I found myself looking for better tools, bigger cutting mat, more colour options on threads. I was getting better and bolder. My need for higher quality materials was next! I researched countless hours online to find ‘it’. I’ve searched and learned all I could find about thread types and sizes, leather kinds and thickness, tanning process, sustainability, ecology…It had to be the best product but it had to also carry respect for the source, the animal and the environment.

And that was it.

Before I knew it, it turned into a business. My work started getting more and more attention with time and the support was heartwarming, from friends who became loyal customers, from customers who would post stories about their new wallets full of enthusiasm and requests for custom-made stuff that would always be an exciting opportunity to explore, expand and experiment, over time enriching my product line.

My influence is Nature herself.

Her colours, patterns and textures. I name many of my designs after the Trees of Ogham. I work with all the elements to honour the soul of the animal that carried the hide and the plants and trees that gave their colours and oils to create these amazing leathers, by building beautiful leather goods that will last to carry our own story.

That’s my story, so far. A lot has changed since 2018 so this bio is getting an update as we speak.

The story keeps unfolding!

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